Porsche 911: Timeless experience
Video mapping exterior production, video mapping immersive experience room for Porsche’s 911 launch 2019.
Assistance for the internal exposition of the house.
Video mapping exterior production, video mapping immersive experience room for Porsche’s 911 launch 2019.
Assistance for the internal exposition of the house.
Making of Porsche 911: Timeless experience Video Mapping
In-site video mapping experience with retro-projection in glass. Two day montage and produced the animation at the same time as the event.
Frame by frame pixel art animation for a mexican rock band. Fun and complex work.
Immersive showroom
This room is a four-white-wall room that takes you to a trip to different places. The team used Unreal 4 to make stick to the time table with rendering hours and being able to create a realistic look in an unreal world.
Cinco Radio
This project involved creating everything out of nowhere. It was a one-day event, so production in site was both, fun and crazy. At the studio we created concept, stage design, video mapping, instalation, video content, sound and music and the team did a great job.
TedED: How one woman put a man on the moon
One of my collaborations with TEDEd where we decided to use 3D and 2D hand drawn animations. For this project I participated as an art director as well as producer for our 3D and 2D teams.
File organization company, where we used abstract motion graphics to explain the complexity of their brand.
Grand Chelem
CGI and motion graphics for a holding with exotic car brands. Leading both teams (3D and 2D) to get to this amazing result. As well as producing, I worked writing the script and led the investigation, in both, English and Spanish version, and full production.
TedEd Viking Ships
3D animation video production for TED educational platform. Good communication with international experts of viking ships was essential for this production.